Just to start off and get to the very topic, We are trying to keep the website running as we also trying to gather resources.
Keep ErieCoBlotter.com Alive
To Date $151.00 of our requested $300 has been raised
Help us meet our goal to keep the website alive and growing! We’re are raising money to make a difference and further our cause. To meet new challenges, we’ve set up this campaign with a goal of $300. With that we will post more of our stories on our website rather than Facebook because FB has been choosing what to show you and thats not fair to our supporters and followers. Plus we have a lot more control of what images we can share to our followers, give helpful information without it being screened by lord knows who. Hopefully with your help, Erie County Blotter can reach this goal and continue the work we’ve set out to do in this campaign including working on the streets to get you stories as they happen, provide live streams when appropriate, Hand out merch to our beloved followers, continue our work towards a monthly podcast at WNY Police and Fire stations focusing on matters that affect those depts. So so much more is planned if we can continue on.
Also, We need resources to further other projects we have been trying to start. And i want to get back on the streets taking pictures like i did in the late 90's and early 2000's (if anyone remembers those times). but i need help to get me going. I would love to also find a used digital video camera. An Angled Eye View Finder for a Canon Camera (to help my neck from cramping). I certainly have ideas you guys and gals are sure to love! i just need resources and help! If I can make it onto a documentary (Fallen Project) then I can make it here on the city of buffalo streets as well bringing these types of programs to light here. So Really, Please help if you can. Every donation makes a difference.
Thank You As Always For Your Support! And I Will Always Make Sure I Share Your Love When I'm Down In The City! So Send In This Words Of Encouragement!
God Bless and Best of Health To All
Shawn McMahon
""And a Special Thank You to Tim Berry and Mike & Jodi Lynn Haynes from FM Communications for their support.""