This summer marks the 27th year of the Cheektowaga Police Department’s Foot Patrol Program. The goals of the program include building trust between citizens and their police officers, improving the quality of life of residents and creating positive interactions between officers and young people in the community. Funding for this program is provided through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
This year, officers will patrol 5 identified neighborhoods on foot, bicycle and motorcycle. The officers are encouraged to spend time talking to residents to better understand the concerns of the neighborhood. Residents will be asked by the officers to complete comment cards so that their thoughts about the program and the community can be relayed.
“This program allows officers to interact with our residents in a very approachable manner and gives the officers time to focus on quality of life concerns. The program has been well received by our residents and we are thankful for the continued funding of this program”.
Brian Gould
Assistant Chief of Police
Cheektowaga Police Department