The Cheektowaga Police Department has seen a sharp rise in the number of vehicles being stolen. On Tuesday December 1, 2020, we took 3 reports of stolen vehicles, all from residents in the Cleveland Hill area, all within the 6am hour. Two of these vehicles were left running with the keys in them as the residents were warming them up before leaving for work. The third vehicle had a spare set of keys left inside the vehicle. Another recent stolen vehicle resulted from a customer leaving his car running while going into a convenience store. For the time period of October 1st to Dec 1st, 2020 the Cheektowaga Police Department took 33 reports of stolen vehicles. During the same time period in 2019, we took just 6 stolen vehicle reports.
With the colder weather upon us, we would like to make everyone aware that these crimes are taking place and remind everyone to keep their vehicles locked at all times and not to leave your keys in the car. Additionally, leaving an unattended vehicle running with keys inside the vehicle is a violation of NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law.